Repeated entries and changes in titles. As more popular titles or others chosen to be school literary texts tend to be either reprinted or re-issued in new editions, a title re-issued as a revised new edition or under a different imprint will be entered more than once in the Annotated Bibliography to alert the reader about their publication status. Each entry will have a note informing the reader of its year of first publication, and whether it is a first, a revised edition or an edition that has been re- issued later under a different imprint. Revised or new editions under different titles are also noted including changes in content, if any. Mere reprints of an edition by the same publisher are not entered. In the digital Annotated Bibliography, since the software provides for it, and for visual interest, the illustrated cover accompanying an entry is that of the reprint or edition held by NTU Library. Each new edition, expectedly, tends to have a fresh cover, but many reprints, even by the same publisher,  may also have new cover designs.