A i m s o f t h e M-S-D W o r k s h o p :
- Critically examining Singapore urban futures and trajectories
- Situating and scrutinizing Singapore as an Asian Global/World City ‘model’
- Debating socio-technical futures such as ‘going underground’ or ‘going underwater’
- Building interdisciplinary urban studies and critical urban research capacity at NTU
- Deepening debate, discussion and dialogue about Singapore urban futures
A b s t r a c t / B a c k g r o u n d :
The purpose of our June event is to link scholars with diverse publics to constructively discuss and debate memes, schemes and city dreams for and about Singapore and beyond. Our symposium seeks to prompt in‐depth discussions of the processes, practices, technologies and players involved in assembling plans and projects that shape Singapore urban imaginaries and realities. This workshop is partially inspired by a recent editorial by scholar Roland Cheo in the Singapore Straits Times (15 Aug., 2015) highlighting possible utopian and dystopian trajectories in Singapore (related to climate change). The same editorial discussed underground urbanism and also the push for export-oriented planning and design models in China and India by ‘Singapore Inc.’
In this workshop we are interested in assembling critical scholarship that examines how, why and by whom Singapore’s urban futures are being shaped (and might proceed). The workshop seeks to understand how these schemes and dreams relate to future questions about land use, liveability, planning, technological, cultural, population and development trajectories, etc., for Singapore, including the role (or lack thereof) of public(s) in setting this agenda.
I n t e n d e d O u t c o m e s :
This public event will gather leading international and local scholars and interested members of the public, public sector, arts community, youth and civil society to respond to a series of provocations and visions for the future. Attendees at our Friday, June 10th session will be challenged by a keynote talk and panel to devise, discuss and debate their visions of the future for Singapore based on their local professional, civic, or citizen’s knowledge. At our Saturday, June 11th session the discussion and debate will continue with three more keynote provocations and three panels, representing a diversity of challenges, urban utopias and dystopias to consider. Our event is free and open the general public and media. We do hope you can join us on June 10th and 11th!