by ylankvo | Feb 26, 2019 | Hue, Vietnam
Across a millennium-long history of foreign occupation, Vietnam has been the site of diverse cultural influence including the importation of Chinese and French plant species and garden types that were adapted to a tropical climate and local spatial practices. Though...
by caroline.herbelin | Feb 22, 2019 | Hue, Vietnam
To what extent does the historical, social, and political context of a site shape the arts produced in that specific place? My work focuses on the colonial politics behind the reshaping of the artistic identity of Huế during the French colonial era. I am interested...
by | Feb 1, 2019 | Hue, Vietnam
Returning to Huế again in December, the weather was a lot more cooperative and even chilly after weeks of non-stop rain. I caught a lucky break in between the rains for a few dry and sunny days. Much of the tourist crowds I saw in the summer had largely left, leaving...