Kardia (2013)
Kho Ruiwei, Singapore
Kardia explores the possibility of visualizing empirical and clinical reactions by translating them into a fashion garment. Emotions reflect a person’s mood and disposition; and are influenced by hormones and neurotransmitters. The physiology of an emotion can be closely linked to an arousal of the nervous system, with varying strengths or effects, depending on the emotion exhibited. By observing and marking/tracing this arousal of the nervous system (e.g. heart rate, sweat gland activity, muscle tension), an emotion can be displayed. This piece is an attempt to take readings of a person’s pulse rate to determine an intangible factor, human emotions, and then translating it into a tangible factor, which is the visualization of light sequencing embedded within the top of the garment.
Arduino Lilypad, LED lights, Tyvek, Polyester Organza, Satin
Image credits
Kho Ruiwei