Manjusaka (2013)
Cheong Zhan Hong Zachary, Singapore
Inspired by the flowers called Lycoris Radiata, also known as Red Spider Lily. The Red Spider Lily is also called 曼珠沙華 [まんじゅしゃげ] (Manjusaka) in Japanese. When lycoris bloom, their leaves would have fallen; when their leaves grow, the flowers would have wilted. This habit gave rise to various legends. One of the legend has it that when a relationship ended, no matter how sad it is, a Red Spider Lily will grow around the Forgotten River. To proof that the love did exist and something beautiful will always remain at the other side of the shore. Life is full of regrets, but at the end, there are always beautiful things remain. Whether they are happy memories, unconditional love or just a foundation to build a better future, there is always a brighter side to things than it seems.
Smell triggers memory, linking the past to the present. The floral smell brings back joyous and significant memory just like the technology of the scented fabric which creates an impression and create a significant memorable moment to reminisce.
Therefore, the dress embodies the treasured memory, spirit and optimism that the flower symbolises. The red represents the passion in life and the dispersing placement of the pleats and LEDS on the dress resemble the look of the radiating long stamens of the Manjusaka flower.
Polyester satin, mirco-LEDS, Arduino Lilypad
Image credits
Cheong Zhan Hong Zachary