Prototype In-boot Jetpack Controller (2013)
Thomas L. Martin, United States
Paola A Zellner Bassett, United States
This prototype explored possibilities for hands-free control of a jetpack during space exploration. For future space exploration, it is desirable to have hands-free control of the jetpack so that astronauts can control their motion while carrying loads and performing tasks with both hands. The prototype in-boot controller uses force sensors placed above and below the toes to enable control of the jetpack with the astronaut’s feet. For example, with the toes on both feet pressing down, the jetpack would move forward, while the toes on one foot pressing down and the toes on the other foot pressing up, the jetpack would turn in the direction of the foot pressing down.
The students who created this prototype are John Murphy, Kathleen O’Connor, and Ashleigh Otto, working with NASA mentor Pedro Curiel at Johnson Space Center. The students were supervised by professors Tom Martin and Paola Zellner.
Acknowledgements: This work was supported by funding from the Virginia Space Grant Consortium and the Virginia Tech Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology.
Rubber mud boots, 3D printed PLA pastic
Images credits
Thomas L. Martin