⭐️ Join our Basecamp 2022-Wellbeing Hackathon, and win attractive prizes up to $3000.
⭐️ Staff and students are welcome to join.
⭐️ Form a team and send us your registration form.
➡️ Check out more details here, https://basecamp2022.bubbleapps.io/
⭐️ Take part in our upcoming learning journey and receive tips for the winning proposal.
✅ Conversation with Experts from SHINE and NCSS, on 1 Jun at 3pm @The Hive
✏️ Register here: http://tiny.cc/Hackathon22-1Jun
✅ Site Visit to The Red Box on 2-Jun at 4.30pm @Somerset
✏️ Register here: http://tiny.cc/Hackathon22-2Jun
✅ Conversation with Student Leaders from PHP, NTUSU and GSA on 7-Jun at 4.30pm @ The Arc
✏️ Register here: http://tiny.cc/Hackathon22-7Jun