Facets of Entrepreneurship: Prisms of Well-being

😃 Join us for Prisms of Well-being, a fireside chat with successful entrepreneur-speakers from the domains of physical social and mental well-being. You will hear about their entrepreneurial journeys and pick up handles on attaining overall wellness. *Do register now and choose your preferred wellness activity: Tote bag painting OR kpopxfitness via the QR code(in the registration form). Spaces are limited for tote bag painting!

📅 Date : 17 March 2023 (Friday)
⏰ Time : 4.00pm – 7.00pm
🕹 Venue : Research Techo Plaza, Chua Thian Poh Chamber

🎁 *An attractive door gift awaits everyone.

📝 Registration link: https://tinyurl.com/Event-17Mar23

🔴 Do register by 16 March 2023, Thursday!

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