Stay Sharp by Eating Smart


Feeling those examination jitters? We feel you. It happens to everyone!

As you prepare for your examinations, just remember that your plate of food holds more power than you think. 🍏📚

Start your day with a healthy breakfast. Even if you’re not hungry, a bit of nutrition goes a long way. Choose healthier options such as oatmeal with milk or boiled eggs and a side bowl of fruit to help reduce stress hormones. Limiting carbs and oily meals can also help you avoid any lapses in concentration and maintain focus.

To enhance your preparations, you can also enjoy informative sessions on staying focused and reducing distractions with the wellbeing mobile app. Intellect 🧠✨.

Click here ( and get your Intellect premium access account today 📲🌿

#BrainFood #FoodForThought #MentalHealthMatters #NTUWellbeing

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