Important Quick Contact Reference

🌱 Hi #OneNTU family, just a gentle reminder that we’re here for you. Here are the essential wellbeing support contact information for all students and staff. Please keep it close and share it with your NTU friends and colleagues. 🤗

Let’s look out for one another and keep our community strong and supported.💪

NTU PHP Befriending Service is here to lend an ear!

Navigating the ups and downs of academic and personal life at the university can be daunting. But remember, you’re part of a #OneNTU community that cares. 🤗💙

🌟 Sign up for the PHP Befriending Service today and connect with our compassionate and trained befrienders. Whether it’s the pressure of studies or the quest for personal growth, our PHP befrienders are here to listen and support you through these times.​​

👉 Click here to sign up for PHP Befriending Service today