I can’t breathe

I couldn’t breathe.

All I remember is that I went to bed on Sunday night at 10pm but I was jolted up breathless before I knew I had fallen asleep. I couldn’t control my arms and legs. I could feel my heart pounding as if I was sprinting around the stadium. I was sweating profusely. I felt very scared.

My mom later told me I was sent to the hospital at about 2 am. The doctor said I had a panic attack. I don’t know what that is. But I was sure I was going to die.

Thankfully, I did not.

I was given medicine and sent home. Everything seems a blur from there but I knew my parents were relieved. They kept saying, “Don’t worry, you are ok.” I managed several hours of sleep before it was time for School. I had to get to School because the exams started on Monday and I simply cannot miss any of them. I would not be able to get the award this year otherwise.

I really need to do very well for these final Primary 4 exams. I had topped my classes since Primary 1 and this year cannot be an exception. I did feel nervous this past weeks leading up to today but I did not think much of it. I did not know such feelings could make me feel so fearful all of a sudden.

My parents kept telling me I should not worry about my results. In fact, all my relatives told me so after they got to know about my episode.

But how can I not? I really want the award. And I have spent so much time in tuition already. They cannot be wasted. But I don’t want this panic attack again. It is very scary. Can you help me?

(Retold from the angle of 10 year-old CY who is in Primary 4).

Pre – Examination Campaign (9 Nov and 10 Nov 2020)

Pre- Examination Campaign
by Peer Helping Programme (PHP)

As the examination draws near, the Peer Helping Programme will be  promoting healthy practices during the examination period for NTU students. You are invited to join us at the Global Lounge for a 15-minute relaxation exercise. You will receive an Examination Welfare Pack after the relaxation exercise.

Date: 9 Nov to 10 Nov

Time: 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm

Location: Global Lounge

Sign up for 9 Nov 2020

Sign up for 10 Nov 2020

Come and Join Us! We look forward to seeing you at the event!


Discovery: Self- Care Talk (11 Nov 2020)

Discovery: Self- Care  – Five Effective Strategies to Manage Examination Stress and Anxiety

It is normal for students to experience stress and anxiety when managing their studies, and the stress levels may increase during the examination period. In this webinar, you will learn techniques for the effective management of stress and anxiety relating to studying for your examinations. This will help you avoid being overwhelmed, and focus better for your examinations.

Sign Up HERE !!