The Weeping Citizen: The Future of Ocean in 2050

‘The Weeping Citizen’ is a visual exploration of a speculative ocean future, where Singapore navigates efforts to reverse the catastrophic loss of 50% of all marine life on Earth due to climate change. It is motivated by the increasing urgency of the Ocean Sustainability crisis and our disconnectedness from the issue due to our lack of up-close interactions with marine life in our urban environment.

This project aims to encourage Gen-Zs to become more proactive about conservation efforts in response to the ongoing Climate and Ocean Sustainability crisis and encourage inquisitiveness to become better-informed citizens. It explores the use of speculative design, utilizing sci-fi prototyping and a participatory design component to present a future scenario that synthesizes existing technologies, research, and scientific journals to contextualize a response.

The project, which includes a hypothetical public web archive and experiential display, prompts the audience to reflect on their relationship with the Ocean Sustainability crisis and the impact of their actions on building a sustainable future. It aims to incite introspection and encourage the audience to consider the interconnectivity of our lives with the Ocean Sustainability crisis, the various aspects of life that would be affected, and the ways in which our actions can either help or hinder our attempts to build an ideal sustainable future. By doing so, it aims to reframe how we interact with the present, critique our existing behaviours and encourage active conversation about steps we can take from here.

Kembali Ke Pangkal Jalan

‘Kembali Ke Pangkal Jalan’ (Going Back to the Right Path; working title) is a mixed media installation that highlights the trauma queer Malays face when negotiating their identity pertaining to culture and Islam, both major facets in forging the Malay identity.

The title is an oft-used phrase by non-queer Malays attempting to bring queer Malays back to the “right path” but this path is usually a one-way road where queer voices are subverted. This installation gives agency to queer voices through visuals and sound, and for non-queer Malays to understand and empathise the trauma their queer peers are facing, in order to create a pathway towards healing and understanding.

Tropical Blues

Tropical Blues is a peek into the life of everyday Singapore through personal experiences.
Tropical Blues is a collection of little stories that takes you through the subtleties of life, growing up, kinship, the ties that bind, loss, love, trials and tribulations through my eyes. It takes the form of a music album, along with self written, original songs and images that I have collected through the years.