
The Department of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry is located in the SPMS building on the south spine of the NTU campus.

A group of well trained technical staff provides training and assistance to the users of the central facilties available in the CBC building:

  • The Mass Spectrometer facilities The Mass Spectrometer facilities consists of eight mass spectrometers including two high-resolution systems: Waters Q-tof Premier MS, ThermoFinnigan MAT95XP MS, ThermoFinnigan PolarisQ MS, ThermoFinnigan DSQII MS, ThermoFinnigan LCQ Fleet MS, ThermoFinnigan LCQ Deca XP MS, Waters TQD MS and Bruker Esquire 6000 MS. Currently the ionization techniques available are: electron impact (EI), electrospray (ESI), and fast atom bombardment (FAB).
  • The Chromatography facilities consists of state of the art facilities such latest generation Gas Chromatography(GC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) systems.
  • The NMR and EPR Facilities currently houses seven NMR spectrometers from Bruker and JEOL with magnets at 300MHz, 400MHz and 500MHz. A data processing room in the lab with a number of PCs is used for off-line data processing.
  • The X-ray Facilities provides routine structural characterization of organic, inorganic and organometallic compounds. Our services include crystal inspection and selection, unit cell determination, data collection at low temperature (103K), data processing, structure solution, and structure refinement. The lab also provides access to the Cambridge Structure Database (CSD).
  • The Trace Analysis Facilities currently have 2 analyzers, Perkin-Elmer’s 2400 Series II CHNS and EuroVector Euro EA Elemental Analyzer which can be used for elemental analysis of Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Sulphur.
  • The Microscope Facilities currently has Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) microscope and Nikon confocal microscope.
  • The Surface and Materials Characterization Facilitiescomprises a lastest genretation transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for the characterisation of the microstructure of material
  • The Nanyang Molecular Modelling Laboratory provides basic training in molecular modelling at undergraduate level.

The Garcia Group laboratory – consisting of an 90m2 research ared divided into write up/office space and a reserach laboratory – is located in the fifth floor (CBC-05-14) of the SPMS/CBC building. The facilities required for the targeted compounds to be synthesised, manipulated and isolated using standard inert-atmosphere techniques (glove-box, vacuum-lines, etc) as well as general equipment (stirrers, isomantles, etc) are available in the lab.











