“But I’m Just a Small Fry!”

“There are a thousand and one animals that need saving, how can I save them all or possibly do enough to make an impact?”

I’ve asked myself this question – many times, in fact. Before my concern with sharks, there was the bit about leaving switches on even when I’m not using the appliance (e.g. laptop, TV, fan, adapters), or using too many plastic bags. What difference would I make to the rest of the world? I chose to live in ignorance. It’s easy. My dad pays the extra for standby power- $1 maybe?

My attitude changed after enrolling for a module (Natural Hazards and Climate Change) in school and thereafter I felt that it isn’t about affordability or convenience, but a responsibility.

I digressed, but my point is, I know how this feels, and I’ve struggled with this mindset in many circumstances. It was how I felt when I last drank that bowl of shark’s fin soup. How would an already prepared bowl of shark’s fin make a difference?

I urge you to be brave.

Instead of letting helplessness envelope you, start with small, progressive steps! It’s easy once you get started and you’ll realize that it doesn’t take much effort after all. No one’s asking you to jump into the ocean to cut longlines or be an eco-warrior; you could start by abstaining from shark’s fin and convincing those around you to do the same.

I am quite nosy. Sometimes, I like to ask my friends if they’re getting married soon. (I don’t know, I just feel very happy if they say “yes”!) It doesn’t matter what their response to my question is. If they say “no, not anytime soon”, I reply “OK, but when you do, can you please not have shark’s fin soup on your menu? It’s really bad because…” If they reply “yes”, I go “YEEEEEEEAHHHH!!! WHEN WHEN WHEN?! Oh by the way, remember not to have shark’s fin soup OK? It’s really bad because…”

Every voice matters. Remember the chopsticks story? A chopstick by itself can be easily broken, but not so when there’s a bunch of them.

There is strength in numbers, and there is power in a cohort of voices.

In response to protests and public pressure, several states all over the world have enacted trade bans on sharks and their products. Hong Kong Disneyland even removed shark’s fin soup from its menu.

Know that you don’t stand alone in this fight to save our sharks, and the world needs more ‘small fries’ like us to spread the word and join the cause.

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