
In view of the issue of overpopulation in Singapore, a key solution to the problem is the implementation of policies that can curb overpopulation. However, there are many red tape blockages that prevent it from happening. Firstly, people are needed to work and improve productivity, which in turn creates economic growth. The mindset of the people must be changed before any change in behavior can occur. The government’s goals are not in tune with the conservation goal, and without their support, this goal of population reduction cannot be achieved. Singapore alone cannot achieve this goal. It requires the whole world to work together and help solve this crisis. This issue of overpopulation does not only affect Singapore but Earth as a whole.

The main factor holding people back is economic growth. The need for growth is what prevents any form of population reduction to be done. People are the cornerstones of the economy who drive it, which is why there is reluctance to give it and reduce our numbers. A global policy of a maximum number of people living on earth could be a start. This forced commitment will slowly shape the way people will think and act. There must be a consensus that this global reduction of people will not affect the global economy. An example would be starting a one child policy globally, so that everyone is on an equal playing field. (Valentine, 2007)

However, it must be taken into account that these are global solutions. Singapore and actually many countries in the world are now connected to each other more closely. An economic crisis in Europe has global impact. The key problem is to get everyone to move think on the same line. Work with the same attitude, and act towards a common goal.

On a smaller scale as in individual, gaining Knowledge is the first step to help in the conservation effort. With knowledge, awareness of the environmental issues will be put into light and show how we are the cause of it. With that new-found knowledge, the next step is to tune the emotions of people to support the cause of conservation, making them motivated to want to do their part to save the earth. With this two key features in, the final step would be direct action towards the cause. This is a byproduct of gaining knowledge and being emotionally charged.

It must be noted that simply educating the public would not lead to change. If people are bounded by external stimuli not to change, e.g. societal pressure, conformity and not wanting to stand out alone in their fight for conservation, it would be very hard to push for change. The immediate benefits we get from scraping the earth of its limited resources yields more advantages then saving the earth for future sustainability. Constant education, especially from young must be taught to the future generations to reverse this environmental crisis.

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