
My name is Muhammad Bin Abdul Majid, and my experience with macaques is memorable and personal. I used to observe them under the guidance of Professor Michael Gumert. When I was told to do a website containing conservation issues as part of school course requirements, I saw it as a perfect opportunity to learn more about the human-macaque conflict.

I have also tried to preserve the academic integrity of this website. I spent time paraphrasing what I found in my own words and have zealously mentioned my references. However, I am also human and prone to error. Should you feel that portions of this website are too similar to their original source, do inform me and I will change them.

So far, my experience taking part in HP331 Conservation Psychology is also interesting. I have learned a lot from the course. In this website, I have tried my hand at applying what I learned. And I have admittedly found it harder than it sounds.

Personally, I think that the human-macaque conflict is interesting because it is a grey area. There are no simple solutions to the problem. Therefore, one can spend a great deal of time thinking about it. Perhaps even engage in interesting discussions with others regarding the issue. I therefore invite you, the reader, to leave comments on this website should you feel inclined to do so.

My stance in the human-macaque conflict is that I believe we can strive towards a peaceful co-existence with them. A lot of the problems that stem from the human macaque-conflict can be worked around. While I would not say these problems are easily solved, I believe that with enough trial and error we will be able to find a comfortable compromise. I also believe that if people take the time to observe the macaques, they will learn to appreciate them just as much as I do. Indeed, their antiques can be very fascinating to the observer.

I do hope you enjoy this website as much as I have enjoyed creating it.

P.S. The pictures are mine, do inform me if you want to use them. It will most probably be alright.