Protection Across Trans-Boundary Landscapes

Credits: Timmins et al.

Credits: Timmins et al.

Vietnam and Laos have established a network of protected areas in the Annamite mountains. Various agencies including the WWF have been actively helping the government collect data, set up, manage and create public awareness of protected areas. The Wildlife Conservation Society have also worked with the Laos government to build up the capacity of professionals to manage protected areas. Hunting and logging activities are banned in these areas, and if caught, that individual may incur dire consequences.

The WWF have also implemented the Trans-boundary project called the Carbon and Biodiversity project. Other than having created four protected reserves and and establishing an intensive forest restoration project, the illegal timber trade is also being addressed.

As part of the Saola’s conservation efforts, Laos established the Phou Sithone Endangered Species Conservation area in certain provinces in Laos and Vietnam whereby two nature reserves of more than 28,000 hectares were created. In addition, 14,000 hectares were added to an existing national park, Bach Ma National Park.