Effectiveness/ Improvements.


Earth hour achieves its aim of getting people to pledge their commitment to protecting our environment. By using earth hour as a platform for further environmental causes, it has resulted in tremendous positive repercussions. The various crowd-sourcing and crowd-funding events have been effective due to:

Extensive promotion and implementation of the event. Given how the Earth hour has taken on a digital platform, promoting any cause would be suitable This is clearly seen through the crowdfunding and crowdsourcing where they have captilised on the technology age to gather funds and raise awareness by providing sufficient and compelling information to the public. This will help the public understand the threats faced by the environment and the repercussions of their behavioural choices. Due to such an extensive impact on the population, many family and friends would most likely be involved, hence instilling a social norm to follow suit.

Captures attention and instills a positive attitude. The recent Earth hour 2014 was delivered in a very catchy and vivid manner, where they used the Spiderman cast to garner crowds. Earth hour instilling hope instead of fear. Thus, instilling a very positive image and attitude of Earth hour in individuals. The more positive the attitude, the greater likelihood for pro-environmental behaviour.  This is supported by the Theory of Planned Behaviour, Fig 1 (Ajzen, 1991)


Figure 1, Simplified model of Theory of Planned behaviour

Empowers individuals. The individual has the ability to cause change through the crowd sourcing and crowdfunding platforms. Earth hour persuades individuals that they hold the power to make a difference towards pro-environmental causes. This instills self-efficacy, where the person perceives himself to be able to successfully complete the task. The greater the self efficacy, the greater the likelihood of the behaviour. This is supported by the Theory of Planned Behaviour Fig 1, where greater self efficacy will lead to greater behavioural intention and behaviour of the task (Ajzen, 1991).


Empowerment of the individual. Photo credit: Earth hour

Earth hour city challenge

Encourages cities to plan for the more efficient usage of resources. This can lead to greater innovation, greater R&D efforts for green technology.

Further improvements

Forming a greater environmental identity. This can be nurtured by positive experiences with nature through direct interaction with forests and animals. This will foster a greater affiliation with nature and the environment. Thus, having a greater affective effect which may lead to greater sustainable behaviour. This can be done by going to the zoo, public parks, nature reserves (Clayton & Myers, 2009).

Interaction with nature.  Photo credit: Pixabay

Interaction with nature.
Photo credit: Pixabay