Last October, students from the USP Club personally decorated notebooks and pouches for the children from Filos Community Services, and customized them according to each individual child’s favourite superhero.

To continue with the theme of superheroes, the same children were invited during their March holidays on 17 March 2017 to join in a day of fun-filled activities at NTU CresPion Halls, which served to remind them that they could be their own superheroes. The children went through a series of games, which aimed to bring out the qualities they had that superheroes also possessed: leadership, teamwork, effective communication, quick thinking, and the courage to face the unknown. Thereafter, the children came together to defeat a fictitious villain, Eggavas (a student volunteer in disguise!), by thinking of ways to ensure that the egg will not crack when it falls 2 stories down. The children and volunteers erupted in cheers when all of the eggs made it successfully down to the first floor; and smiles and laughter were exchanged in celebration of their achievement.

Though this event was during the busy period filled with impending midterm tests and assignment deadlines, volunteers were inspired and reminded of the importance and joy of making someone else’s day. Seeing that the aim of inspiring the children to be their own everyday-superheroes had been achieved was truly heartwarming.

“Unite, Super Powers was a great opportunity for me to interact with the kids from Filos. Just as how we hoped to inculcate different values in them and inspire them to become their own superheroes, they have also enabled me to grow as a person. One of my personal takeaways was how to be as clear as possible in our communication with the kids, which is especially important since the children were easily excitable. I think one of the highlights of this event was the building of the structures to ensure that the egg could land safely from being released at a 2-storey height. Seeing how the children came together with different ideas and managed to incorporate all of their ideas into a single sturdy structure was inspirational. It displayed their willingness to listen to their peers and work together as a team. Overall, I had a lot of fun planning and executing this event, and I am sure that the kids had a lot of fun too. I look forward to interacting with these children again in the upcoming events.”  Liaw Shao Yi/ Year 1 Economics student


About University Scholars Programme Club

The University Scholars Programme (USP) leads a University-wide commitment to provide an intellectually stimulating and enriching academic environment for the best students in NTU. The programme includes an exciting multi-disciplinary curriculum that supplements your core curriculum and general education programme. From ethics to quantitative reasoning, from fables and folklore to astronomy, USP offers a wide range of courses, special events, and learning opportunities each year that promise to broaden your perspectives and challenge your creative thinking and analytical ability.

USP students are involved in every aspect of campus life. Besides classroom learning and special seminars with distinguished professors, you will be guaranteed a place for overseas exchange and on-campus accommodation. NTU invests in truly exceptional undergraduate students to equip them with intellectual skills to ensure they are ready for a variety of high-level careers.

Join the USP if you are eager to be part of a vigorous intellectual community.


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