

Writer to Writer with HuaiChen Wu


Book a one-on-one mentoring session with Professor HuaiChen Wu to discuss your writing project. Professor Wu will provide guidance to help your creative practice and support your writing life. This workshop will be conducted in Mandarin Chinese.

Unfortunately, we are full!

Registrations for this course are now closed but do join our mailing list here to be updated on future courses like this.

Summary 概要

课程编号: HW2


名额有限 (特别鼓励有潜力的写作人提出申请)

Course code: HW2

30mins to 1-hour mentoring session

For Foundation, Intermediate to Advanced Writers

Limited places available

Selective entry – we’ll offer places to writers based on writing samples sent on application

Dates 日期

August to November 2023

By appointment only

Venue 地点

In-person (NTU) / Online

Overview and Learning Outcomes 概述与预期成果


  • 与资深作者讨论你的写作理念与计划
  • 请教资深作者关于写作的技巧与在创作过程中所遇到的瓶颈或困难
  • 了解要当一名专业写作人的需求


During a 1-hour Writer to Writer session with the Visiting Writer you will:

  1. discuss your writing aspirations with an experienced writer in an encouraging environment
  2. obtain general advice from an experienced writer on your writing project
  3. obtain specific practical advice on aspects of the art and craft of writing, writing technique & your writing challenges
  4. obtain help on shaping your approach to your writing life
  5. understand what it takes to be a professional writer

Please note the one-on-one consultation is not a manuscript assessment.

Who should register? 谁该报名?

  • 初级写作者 – 定义:首次写作或还未曾在期限之下写作的写作者。
  • 中级写作者 – 定义:已把写作列为副业或主业但尚未在主流出版社发表过任何作品的写作者。
  • 高级写作者 – 定义:已通过主流出版社发表过至少一篇作品的写作者。


Writers – especially Chinese language writers – including:

  1. Foundation Writers — Early stage, promising writers with no requirement for any publication history. Foundation writers are those who are writing for the first time or have never written with deadlines or structure before.
  2. Intermediate Writers — Writers who have chosen to pursue writing as a full time or part time career with a serious, professional intent but who are not yet published with a mainstream or recognised independent publisher.
  3. Advanced Writers — Writers who have published at least one book with a mainstream or recognised independent publisher, and/or published in at least one literary journal and/or anthology.

Participants will be selected by the Visiting Writer with assistance from the Asia Creative Writing programme. A waiting list will be maintained.

Registration and Pricing 报名与课程收费

Course Prerequisites 报名前提

To sign up, please register at the link above with the following documents:

  1. 200字以内的作品(华文)。 (A 200-word writing sample)
  2. 50-100字以内的写作计划概要(华文)。 (A short summary of your writing project of 50~100 words)
  3. 50-100字以内的简历(中英)。 (A short biography of 50~100 words)

Course Fees


    About HuaiChen Wu

    Wu Huaichen is a poet from Taiwan. He has published multiple literary works, including the poetry book “Gulps of the Pouring Light ” (winner of the Golden Tripod Awards for Excellent Literary Book), “Surfer Romance” (winner of the Wu Zhuoliu Literary Prize‧ Poetry Award ), and the prose “Songs of a Surfer” (winner of China Times Open Book Award, the Best Book of the Year), etc. In addition, he has published several academic collections of research essays on literature and philosophy, and he is also the translator of several important academic books, including Georges Bataille’s “Tears of Eros” in Chinese. As a professor of the Graduate Institute of Transdisciplinary Study on Creative Writing and Literature, Wu has advised many talented young writers. As a poet, he has been invited to participate in numerous international poetry festivals such as the Asian International Poetry Festival, the Taipei International Poetry Festival, the Pacific International Poetry Festival, and the Singapore Writers Festival.


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