Writer To Writer

with Jason Erik Lundberg

Share your ideas, gain fresh insights. Book a one-on-one mentoring session with author and editor Jason Erik Lundberg to receive expert guidance on your writing project and support for your writing journey.

Registration closes 26 February 2025 at 11:59 PM SGT, or when full capacity is reached.

Course Information

Course Code: WTW-JL

Duration: 1 hour

Recommended For:
Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced Writers


April 2025



Online (Zoom)


Please Note

  • Registrants will undergo a selection process, and those selected must complete payment to confirm their placement.
  • ACWP will maintain a waiting list once the maximum number of participants is reached.
  • Shortlisted participants will be contacted for payment and confirmation of your session’s date and time.

Overview and Learning Outcomes

During a Writer To Writer session with the Visiting Writer, you will:

  • Receive general advice from an experienced writer on your writing project.
  • Gain specific, practical insights on the art and craft of writing, including techniques and addressing writing challenges.
  • Get help shaping your approach to your writing life.
  • Understand what it takes to be a professional writer.

Please note that the one-on-one consultation is not a manuscript assessment.

Who Should Apply?

Writers, including:

  • Foundation Writers: Early-stage, promising writers with no publication history required. These writers may be writing for the first time or have never written with deadlines or structure before.
  • Intermediate Writers: Writers who have chosen to pursue writing as a full-time or part-time career with serious, professional intent but are not yet published with a mainstream or recognized independent publisher.
  • Advanced Writers: Writers who have published at least one book with a mainstream or recognized independent publisher, and/or have been published in at least one literary journal or anthology.

Participants will be selected by the Visiting Writer with assistance from the ACWP. A waiting list will be maintained.


Registration and Pricing

Course Pre-requisites

To sign up, please register at the link above and provide the following documents:

  • A short summary of your writing project (approximately 100 words)
  • A brief biography (50 to 100 words)

If you have registered with us before, you may resubmit the same information with an updated biography.

Course Fees

  • $25 for adults
  • $10 for senior citizens aged 55 and above, NSFs, and unemployed individuals
  • Free for students from Singapore institutions, including undergraduate and postgraduate students

Fees are non-refundable.
Please email us if you require further financial assistance.

About Jason Erik Lundberg

Jason Erik Lundberg was born in New York, grew up in North Carolina, and has lived in Singapore since 2007. He is an award-winning author and anthologist of twenty-nine books, including A Fickle and Restless Weapon (2020), Most Excellent and Lamentable (2019), Diary of One Who Disappeared (2019), Carol the Coral (2016), Strange Mammals (2013), Embracing the Strange (2013), The Alchemy of Happiness (2012), Red Dot Irreal (2011), Fish Eats Lion (2012) and Fish Eats Lion Redux (2022), the six-book Bo Bo and Cha Cha children’s picture book series (2012–2015), and the biennial Best New Singaporean Short Stories anthology series (est. 2013).

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