Congratulations to A.K. Kulshreshth on the longlist!

A.K. was a participant in Jing-Jing Lee‘s ‘How to Finish Your Novel’ workshop in March 2021. Here is what he had to say about the course:

“In five years, I have started and given up on two novels. I joined the How to Finish Your Novel course with the feeling that the title was a bit over-the-top. As the instructor Jing Jing Lee explained, her journey to the final draft of her book took many years. As it turned out, the course finished on 20 May, and I finished a first, very rough, draft of a novel on 4 July.”

About the Author

A.K. Kulshreshth’s short stories have been published in literary magazines and anthologies in eight countries. He is a member of Cernunnos Books, a team that promotes literature across borders. Together with his mother, he has translated four books from Hindi to English. This year, he completed Bride of the City, the first ever translation into English of the classic 1949 Hindi novel Vaishali Ki Nagarvadhu, and his first novel manuscript, Lying Eyes.