Aliette de Bodard

7 May to 25 May 2022 (Online)
Aliette de Bodard lives and works in Paris. She has won three Nebula Awards, an Ignyte Award, a Locus Award, a British Fantasy Award and four British Science Fiction Association Awards. She was a double Hugo finalist for 2019 (Best Series and Best Novella).
Her most recent book is Fireheart Tiger (, a sapphic romantic fantasy inspired by pre colonial Vietnam, where a diplomat princess must decide the fate of her country, and her own. She also wrote Seven of Infinities (Subterranean Press), a space opera where a sentient spaceship and an upright scholar join forces to investigate a murder, and find themselves falling for each other. Other books include Of Dragons, Feasts and Murders, (JABberwocky Literary Agency, Inc.), a fantasy of manners and murders set in an alternate 19th Century Vietnamese court.
Her space opera books include The Tea Master and the Detective (2018 Nebula Award winner, 2018 British Fantasy Award winner, 2019 Hugo Award finalist).
Her short story collection Of Wars, and Memories, and Starlight is out from Subterranean Press.
© Photo credit: Chloé Vollmer-Lo
- 2020 Ignyte Award, “Best Novelette”, for “The Inaccessibility of Heaven”, Uncanny Magazine
- 2018 British Fantasy Award, “Best Novella”, for The Tea Master and the Detective, Subterranean Press/JABberwocky Literary Agency, Inc.
- 2018 Nebula Award, “Best Novella”, for The Tea Master and the Detective, Subterranean Press/JABberwocky Literary Agency, Inc.
- 2018 British Science Fiction Association Award, “Best Non-Fiction”, for the article “On Motherhood and Erasure”
- 2017 European Science Fiction Society Achievement Award, “Best Novel”, for The House of Binding Thorns (Gollancz/Ace)
- 2015 British Science Fiction Association Award, “Best Novel”, for The House of Shattered Wings (Gollancz/Roc)
- 2015 British Science Fiction Association Award, “Best Short Fiction”, for “Three Cups of Grief, by Starlight” (Clarkesworld Magazine)
- 2013 Nebula Award, “Best Novelette”, for “The Waiting Stars” in The Other Half of the Sky, ed. Athena Andreadis and Kay Holt
- 2012 Nebula Award and 2012 Locus Award, “Best Short Story”, for “Immersion”, in Clarkesworld Magazine June 2012
- 2010 British Science Fiction Association Award, “Best Short Fiction”, for “The Shipmaker” in Interzone
Selected Publications
- Fireheart Tiger (novella), Tor dot com, 2021
- Seven of Infinities (novella), Subterranean Press (US) and JABberwocky Literary Agency (UK and Commonwealth), 2020
- Of Wars, and Memories, and Starlight (short story collection), Subterranean Press (US) and JABberwocky Literary Agency (UK and Commonwealth), 2019
- The House of Sundering Flames (novel), JABberwocky Literary Agency (US) and Gollancz (UK), 2019
- The Tea Master and the Detective (novella), Subterranean Press (US), JABberwocky Literary Agency (UK and Commonwealth), Mai Mes (Catalonia), Take Shobo via (Japan), 2018
- The House of Binding Thorns (novel), Ace/Roc (US), Gollancz (UK) , Outrefleuve (France), Host (Czech Republic) and Beijing Huaxia Winshare Books, Co Ltd (People’s Republic of China), 2017
- The House of Shattered Wings (novel), Ace/Roc (US), Gollancz (UK), Droemer Knaur (Germany), Outrefleuve (France), Host (Czech Republic) and Beijing Huaxia Winshare Books, Co Ltd (People’s Republic of China), 2015
Literary Focus
- Interested in diaspora, parenthood, gender, sexuality, war aftermath, and responses to empire.
Courses & Events
Date / Venue | Programme Activities |
4 Workshops on: Online course (Intermediate to Advanced) |
[Course Completed] How to Write Speculative FictionIn this four week online workshop series, award-winning writer Aliette de Bodard, will teach the fundamental building blocks of a speculative fiction story, how to harness your creativity and help you discover and define your writing process from first idea to completed draft of a speculative fiction story. Course code: ADB1 |
Date TBA (Foundation to Intermediate)
[Course Completed] Writer to WriterBook a one-on-one mentoring session with award-winning writer Aliette de Bodard to discuss your writing project. Aliette will provide guidance to help your creative practice and support your writing life. Course code: ADB2
* Concession rates available for students, unemployed, low income migrant workers & free for undergraduates & postgraduate students from Singapore tertiary institutions.
Recommended Course Reading List
- Writing the Bones, Nathalie Goldberg
- What It Is, Linda Barry
- Finding your Voice, Kiini Ibura Salam
- The Story Engine Deck
- “Story of Your Life”, Ted Chiang
- “Blessed are the Hungry”, Victor Fernando R Ocampo
- “Wine,” Yoon Ha Lee
- “House of Aunts,” Zen Cho
- “Mother Ocean,” Vandana Singh:
- The Empress of Salt and Fortune, Nghi Vo
Further Reading
- Steering The Craft, Ursula Le Guin
- Wonderbook, Jeff Vandermeer et al
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