Chinese Mini Fiction with Liang Wern Fook

It was a humbling experience to be in Dr. Liang Wern Fook’s classroom, as he is a prolific writer in the Chinese short/mini fiction genre. The three sessions, spanning 1.5 hours each, were spent learning techniques of writing Chinese mini fiction and critiquing...

How to Write a Novel with Sharlene Teo

Sharlene’s course was wonderful for a group of diverse writers at various stages of their writing. I found it very easy to talk about the challenges of writing and respond to the prompts during interactive segments because the general atmosphere was welcoming...

Translation Contexts with Deborah Smith

I was worried that I might get overwhelmed in the course due to not having any experience with translation, but the course had proven to be a great way for me to learn about the current issues in the field. Deborah’s comprehensive coverage of the field of...