迷路一天,在城市 Lost in the City for a Day with Liu Ka-shiang

Talk 迷路一天,在城市Lost in the City for a Day with 刘克襄 Liu Ka-shiang 聆听刘克襄作家分享他旅游中的见闻及公共和绿色空间给予他的灵感,与他一同漫步城市中。 从讲演中了解自然写作如何在探索人与城市环境之间的关系中创作出扣人心弦的故事。 Stroll through cities with Liu Ka-shiang as he shares his stories of travel and wonder inspired by visits to wet markets,...

城市生活的自然书写 City Life, Nature Writes with Liu Ka-shiang

Workshop  城市生活的自然书写City Life, Nature Writes with 刘克襄 Liu Ka-shiang 带上您的纸笔,一同到巴刹采买或公园连道散步。随着城市规划逐渐融入诸如公园、绿色廊道等自然景观,周遭的大自然也随之发展。 跟随刘克襄作家在这一系列的工作坊中探讨自然写作如何在忙碌喧嚣的城市生活里带来喘息的空间、引发创作者的思考。让您的日常生活和城市生活成为创作题材,从中摄取灵感,丰富您的写作。 作为工作坊的一部分,参与者将在户外徒步。请穿着舒适、保持水分充足并使用驱虫剂。 Grab your...

Writer To Writer with Liu Ka-shiang

Courses 作家咨询时段 刘克襄 Writer-to-Writer with Liu Ka-shiang 刘克襄将通过此咨询时段提供一对一的咨询时间与您讨论您的写作计划并提供指导,以此拓展您的写作生涯。 Share your ideas, gain fresh insights. Book a one-on-one mentoring session with poet and historian Liu Ka-shiang to receive expert guidance on your writing project...

Writer to Writer with HuaiChen Wu

Courses 作家咨询时段 吳懷晨 Writer to Writer with HuaiChen Wu 吳懷晨将通过此咨询时段提供一对一的咨询时间与您讨论您的写作计划并提供指导,以此拓展您的写作生涯。 Book a one-on-one mentoring session with Professor HuaiChen Wu to discuss your writing project. Professor Wu will provide guidance to help your creative practice and...