Writer to Writer with Dr Tu Feng-en

Courses Writer to Writer with Dr Feng-en Tu 總編輯諮詢時段 與涂豐恩總編輯預約一對一的諮詢時段,討論您在亞洲的寫作、出版或編輯等計劃,以及有关時間和事業管理的各種話題。涂博士也将通过此咨询时段对您的計劃提供指導,並且協助拓展您的寫作視野和生涯。 Book a one-on-one mentoring session with Dr Feng-en Tu to discuss your writing project, publishing and editing in Asia,...

Cross-Border & Cross-Domain: Exploring Asian Chinese’s Publishing Industry in the Digital Era

Courses 跨境與跨域:探索數位時代的亞洲華文出版 Cross-Border & Cross-Domain: Exploring Asian Chinese’s Publishing Industry in the Digital Era with Dr Feng-en Tu 總編輯工作坊 透過四場演講的工作坊與所有參與者的共同討論.,讓參與者對於亞洲華文出版的現狀與前景有更深刻的理解,並透過腦力激盪,共同探索創作與出版如何在數位時代能夠跨越媒介與類型,發揮更大的影響力,創造出新時代的亞洲華文出版. This...

Writer to Writer with Khor Ewe Pin

Courses 作家咨询时段 许友彬 Writer to Writer with Khor Ewe Pin 许友彬将通过此咨询时段提供一对一的咨询时间与您讨论您的写作计划并提供指导,以此拓展您的写作生涯。 Book a one-on-one mentoring session with Khor Ewe Pin to discuss your writing project. Khor Ewe Pin will provide guidance to help your creative practice and support...

Chinese Creative Writing – Fiction

Courses 小说工作坊 许友彬 Chinese Creative Writing – Fiction with Khor Ewe Pin 这个课程着重在小说创作。工作坊的参与者将会学到如何写一部吸引少年读者的小说。工作坊会以华语授课。 This programme focuses on practical works. The techniques of fiction writing will be taught. Participants will acquire techniques in generating,...

Advanced Creative Writing: Chinese Fiction

Courses 小说创作研讨课 许友彬 Advanced Creative Writing: Chinese Fiction with Khor Ewe Pin 这门课属于华文创意写作课程,特别强调华文小说的强化写作,鼓励学生发表其作品。 This is a 13-weeks semester-long course places special emphasis on intensive practice of Chinese fiction. You are required to have hands-on practice...

How to Write a Chinese Language Young Adult Novel

Courses 华文少年小说写作线上工作坊 许友彬 How to Write a Chinese Language Young Adult Novel with Khor Ewe Pin 工作坊为参与者提供了解与练习写作少年小说的机会,藉此来提升参与者的写作技巧。工作坊会以华语授课。 Have you always wanted to write a Young Adult Novel in Chinese? This course for emerging & developing Chinese language...