[ W O R K S H O P ] SEAworthy: Writing Stories from a Southeast Asian Core
Interested to add more dimension and flavour to your writing? Learn first-hand from independent comic publisher Difference Engine about the considerations and frameworks they draw from to bring unique Southeast Asian stories to life through intricate worldbuilding and character design. Whether you write fiction, prose, or poetry, discover ways to incorporate Southeast Asia’s diversity and narrative richness into your writing through hands-on exercises and group discussions. Leave with practical tips on bringing your own heartfelt stories to life!
Workshop Facilitators: Aditi Shivaramakrishnan, Shreya Davies, Charlene Shepherdson
[ W O R K S H O P] The Write Match
Feeling a little shy on the publishing scene? Swap the nerves for excitement as we match you up in this whirlwind of literary connections with select writers and publishers #F2F. Engage in rapid-fire conversations, pitch your book ideas and potential publishing partnerships, or simply enjoy chatting about life. Who knows? Your next big break could be just a conversation away!
Writers: Arianna Pozzuoli, Jason Erik Lundberg, Lauren Ho, Nuraliah Norasid, Shamini Flint, Suffian Hakim, Yeow Kai Chai
Publishers: Edmund Wee, Farihan Bahron, Felicia Low-Jimenez, Fong Hoe Fang, Mindy Pang, Sim Ee Waun, Tung Roh Suan
Host: Joses Ho
Here’s the lowdown:
- Grab a Seat: When you arrive, you’ll find groups of four with either a writer or a publisher. At every interval, there will be one writer or publisher per group of four attendees. Choose a group and get comfy– that’s your home base for the session. Fastest legs first!
- Speaker Shuffle: Get ready for a whirlwind of conversations! Every 15 minutes, the big screen will reveal which writer or publisher will be joining your table next (this will be assigned at random). You don’t have to leave your seat, the writer/publisher will be doing the moving.
- Find Your Match: In your groups, you’ll have 15 minutes with each speaker to ask them ANYTHING. Pick their brains, get advice, or just enjoy a lively chat. Over the session, you’ll get to meet three writers and three publishers!
Due to scheduling conflicts, Ng Kah Gay will no longer be presenting at the conference. Fong Hoe Fang will now represent Ethos Books for this programme.
[ W O R K S H O P ] How to Construct an Unforgettable World
World-building isn’t just for science fiction and fantasy— it’s the secret ingredient that brings every genre to life. Whether you’re crafting historical novels, gritty thrillers, romantic suspense, memoirs, creative nonfiction, or even literotica, mastering world-building will do more than just draw readers into your world; they’ll crave to return to it, losing themselves in its vivid details time and time again.
Join speculative fiction author and Milford (UK) fellow Victor Fernando R. Ocampo in this hands-on, interactive deep dive as he guides you through techniques and methods to imagine new worlds and explore what it would be like to live in them.
This workshop embraces the radical, the absurd, and the improbable— no matter the genre.
Workshop Facilitator: Victor R. Ocampo