Khor Ewe Pin (许友彬)

Residency Period 任职期
9 October to 30 October 2021 (Online)
8 August to 2 December 2022

2021年 10月9日至10月30日(线上)

2022年 8月8日至12月2日


Khor Ewe Pin was born in the state of Kedah, Malaysia in the year 1955. A former teacher, he obtained his first degree in Zoology (University of Malaya), after which he pursued a postgraduate Masters in Education. He has also worked as an editor (both textbooks and others) and was a feature writer too. He started writing teenage novels in 2006. He sold the publication rights of 34 titles to Qingdao Publishing Group and Zhejiang Juvenile and Children’s Publishing House in The People’s Republic of China, to publish his books in simplified Chinese since 2010. He won the first prize in the 4th Xiang Qing Novella Writing Competition, and also won the 1st Mahan Literary Award. In 2020, he won the 6th Nanyang Chinese Literature Award. In 2021, as a result of home quarantine pandemic prevention, he became acquainted with digital illustration. The publication of his first picture book Huha! Huha! serves to fulfill his long-standing wish to become an artist.


  • 马来西亚第四届乡青中篇小说奖第一名(得奖作品:《一根头发的故事》)
  • 第一届马汉儿童文学双年奖(得奖作品:《七天》)
  • 《星洲日报》2008年度读者票选十大选书(文学类)(入选作品:《闪亮的时刻》)
  • 《星洲日报》2008年度名家推荐十大选书(入选作品:《闪亮的时刻》)
  • 2012年度大马五十佳图书(获选作品:《大风吹》)
  • 2014年“读吧!新加坡”少年推介书(入选作品:《男孩与海龟》)
  • 2020年第六届南洋华文文学奖获奖人


  • Won the first prize in the 4th Xiang Qing Novella Writing Competition.
  • Won the 1st Mahan Literary Award.
  • Bright Times was selected as one of the Top 10 Readers’ Choice of the Year (Literature) and Top 10 Virtuoso Recommendation of the Year (Literature) by Sin Chew Daily in 2008.
  • A Cold Wind Blows was selected as 50 Best Malaysian Titles for International Rights 2012.
  • The Boy and His Sea Turtle was selected as Suggested Reads for Youth by Read! Singapore in 2014.
  • Won the 6th Nanyang Chinese Literature Award in 2020.



  • The Memoir of an Undergraduate《大学生手记》(1983)
  • The Memoir of a Teacher《教书匠手记》(1985)
  • Khor Ewe Pin: When I Was A Boy《小小的许友彬在小小的时光中》(2020)

Young Adult Novel

  • Seven Days《七天》(2006)
  • October《十月》(2007)
  • Bright Times《闪亮的时刻》, Year 55《55年》(2008)
  • Disappeared after Waking Up《消失在醒来后》, Pebbles《鹅卵石》, The Green Wall《青色的围墙》(2009)
  • Little Oriole《小黄鹂鸟》, Pick You Up《把你带走》, Riverbanks《河两岸》 (2010)
  • Look Again《再看一眼》(2011)
  • The Backpacker《2042年:背包里的天空》, Boundless Burden《2043年:无边的枷锁》, The Blackened Halo《2044年:被抹黑的光环》(2014)
  • The Silent Cry《2045年:沉寂的吼声》, Walled Freedom《2046年:自由的囹圄》 (2015)
  • The Dark Lighthouse《2047年:瞎了眼的灯塔》, The Almost Perfect Ending《2047年以后:十全九美的大结局》, Granny Moon《月亮婆婆》, Gong Xi Gong Xi《新年快乐》, The Round Bay《盆子湾》(2016)
  • The Unexpected Swap《2117,交换记忆》(2017)
  • Reborn《5102,脱胎换骨》, The Flying Games《2333,天空游戏》, You Lied 《听说你欺骗了人类》(2018)
  • Wake Up, Cynthia《醒来还能见到你吗?》, Oddity Under the Mars《你在我的宇宙里仰望火星》(2019)


  • A Cold Wind Blows《大风吹》, The Bride’s Veil《扮新娘》(2012)
  • Hopscotch《跳房子》(2013)

Illustration Novel

  • The Boy and His Sea Turtle《男孩与海龟》, A Monstrous Egg《遇见大傻瓜》(2013)
  • A Monstrous Egg II 《再见大傻瓜》(2014)
  • I Love Proboscis Monkey 《我爱长鼻猴》(2015)
  • A Special Gift《大宝的周记:给爸爸的臭屁礼物》(2019)

Film Adaptations

  • Seven Days《七天》(2013)
  • October《十月》(2014)
  • Bright Times《闪亮的时刻》(2015)
  • Pebbles《鹅卵石》(2016)
  • The Green Wall《青色的围墙》(2018)

Malay Adaptations

  • October《十月》(2012)
  • Bright Times《闪亮的时刻》(2012)
  • Seven Days《七天》(2014)

Pre-school Textbook

  • Pre-school Series《学前阅读计划》系列 (2000)
  • Mingming and Lili Reading Program《明明和丽丽:读故事学认字》系列 (2020)

Picture Book

  • Huha! Huha!《呼哈!呼哈!》(2021)

Literary Focus

  • 通过创造体现生命的存在。

Courses & Events

Date / Venue Programme Activities / Audience

AY2022/23 Semester 1

NTU undergraduate course

(Intermediate to Advanced)


小说创作研讨课 (Advanced Creative Writing: Chinese Fiction)


This is a 13-weeks semester-long course for NTU undergraduates and places special emphasis on the intensive practice of Chinese fiction. Students are required to have hands-on practice in writing various genres of fiction. The objective of this course is to guide students in producing Chinese fictions which possess creativity and to encourage them to publish their works. This course will be conducted in Mandarin Chinese.

Course code: C1

More information here


5 workshops on:

  • 1 October 2022, Saturday
  • 8 October 2022, Saturday
  • 15 October 2022, Saturday
  • 22 October 2022, Saturday
  • 29 October 2022, Saturday

9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Venue TBC

$125 for 5 sessions*

(Intermediate to Advanced)


小说工作坊 (Chinese Creative Writing – Fiction)


This workshop aims to focus on the creation of novels. During this workshop, participants can look forward to discussing on topics such as the requirements to be a novelist and differences between the structure of a best-selling novel and literature. Participants will also explore on the methods to create suspense, surprise and climax in a novel. Participants will also be empowered to choose their own writing style through analyzing the various narrative techniques used in some of the most classic novels (modernism and post-modernism). However, participants ought to note that the focus of this workshop is not on the appreciation of novels.

Course code: C2

More information here


August to November 2022
(by appointment)

In-person (NTU) or Online (Zoom)

$25 per session*

(Intermediate to Advanced)


作家咨询时段 (Writer to Writer)


Book a one-on-one mentoring session with Khor Ewe Pin to discuss your writing project. Khor Ewe Pin will provide guidance to help your creative practice and support your writing life. These sessions will be conducted in Mandarin Chinese. 

Course code: C3

More information here


4 workshops on 9, 16, 23, 30 October 2021 (Saturdays)
9:30 am to 12:00 pm SGT

Online course
$125 for 4 sessions*


(Foundation to Intermediate)

[Course Completed]

华文少年小说写作线上工作坊 (How to Write a Chinese Language Young Adult Novel)


This workshop aims to focus on the creation of young adult novels. During this workshop, participants can expect to discuss on topics such as the key matters to be aware of while writing a young adult novel and the differences between writing a novel catered for young adults and a typical novel. Participants will also explore on the different genres of young adult novels, ways to create climax in the novel and methods to captivate the attention of young adult readers while ensuring the story remains logical. Participants will also be empowered to discover their own writing style through analysing narrative techniques and writers’ motives of some of the most classic young adult novels from China. Through this workshop, participants can also expect to understand on the key areas to place emphasis on while writing a young adult novel.

Course code: C6

More information here

* Concession rates are available for students, unemployed, low income migrant workers & free for undergraduates from Singapore tertiary institutions.