Liang Wern Fook

Residency Period
11 January to 14 May 2021

One of the most influential artists in Singapore born around the time of independence, Dr Liang is a multi-talented writer, composer, and educator. He is the Language Director of Xue Er You Language Centre. Voted as the “The person who best represents the Xinyao movement” by the public and “The most favorite writer” by students. Dr Liang is the only artist who has received the Singapore Young Artist Award (Literature) and The Cultural Medallion (Music) across different genres of art. Dr Liang has over fifteen publications in various genres of creative writing, and has about three hundred songs to his name. Many of his musical works became international hit songs. He works were described as “bridging literature and music in the art scene of Singapore”.




  • 1992 – National Arts Council’s Young Artist Award (Literature)
  • 1992 – Most Popular Writer by Local Students (Poll organized by Lianhe Zaobao)
  • 1996 – Singapore Book Prize (Prose)
  • 2003 – Person Who Best Represents the Xinyao Spirit [Poll organized by the Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (Compass)]
  • 2010 – Cultural Medallion (Music, including Lyrics)


  • 青年艺术奖(文学),1992
  • 书籍理事会书籍奖(散文),1996
  • 文化奖(音乐,包括歌词),2010
  • 国内学生票选为最受欢迎作家(联合早报举办的投选活动) , 1992
  • 公众票选为“最能代表新谣精神的人物”(词曲版权协会举办的投选活动),2003


Liang Wern Fook has published 15 literary works included poetry, proses, novels, song lyrics and etc.


  • 1988 – The Last Years of Kreta Ayer 《最后的牛车水》
  • 1994 – The Classmate 《自然同窗》
  • 2011- The Further It Is, The Clearer It Becomes《越遥远,越清晰》


  • 1985 – Filled with Cooling Songs 《盛满凉凉的歌》
    1989 – In Fact I am in Love with Time
    1996 – Addicted to Poetry


  • 1992 – The 21 Dreams of Liang Wern Fook : In Search of A Smile From A Cat《寻找一朵小猫的微笑:梁文福的21个梦》
  • 2006 – The Happiness of A Left Hand 《左手的快乐》

梁文福共出版过的15 种书籍,包括新诗、散文、小说、歌词等各种文类。

  • 散文作品包括:《最后的牛车水》(1988) 、《自然同窗》(1994) 、《越遥远,越清晰》(2011) 。
  • 诗歌作品包括:《盛满凉凉的歌》(1985) 、《其实我是在和时光恋爱》(1989) 、《嗜诗》(1996)
  • 小说作品包括:《寻找一朵小猫的微笑:梁文福的21个梦》(1992) 、《左手的快乐》(2006)

Courses & Events

Date / Venue Programme Activities / Audience

January to May 2021

NTU Undergraduate Course

(Intermediate to Advanced)

2021年1月至5月 (南洋理工大学本科课程)


[Course Completed]

Advanced Creative Writing: Chinese Prose

This is a 13-week semester-long course on Chinese prose for undergraduates at Nanyang Technological University. This course focuses on the intensive practice of Chinese prose. It exposes students to various styles of prose writing, which include lyrical prose, the short essay, diary, autobiography, travel writing, etc. Students will learn the techniques of appreciating various styles of work through the practice of writing, reading and collaborative critical response. This will help students to gain knowledge and experience in creative and critical cross-reading, which will increase participant’s interest in developing a working knowledge of prose writing.

*This course will be conducted in Mandarin.*




Course code: CH1/HF9701

 More information here

3 workshops
5, 12 & 26 March 2021
Confucius Institute

(Foundation to Intermediate)

2021年 3月 5,12,26日 (三堂课)


[Course Completed]

Chinese Mini-Fiction

This workshop provides participants with the opportunity to understand and practise the different characteristics of writing Chinese language mini-fiction to enhance their writing skills.

Mini Fiction, also known as Mini Novel, is a genre of fiction which is shorter in length than Short Story yet still elaborate in its writings. Mini Fiction requires the writer to use the least number of words to express his/her idea and beliefs. The beauty of Mini Fiction lies on the fact that it aims to convince the readers to accept the story put forward by the writer within a few minutes. At the same time, the writer should also strive to enlighten and move the readers even within such a short frame of time. Writers of Mini Fiction should endeavour to write between the length of 100 words to 2,000 words.

*This workshop will be conducted in Mandarin.*






Course code: CH2A, 2B & 2C

More information here

January to May 2021
Various venues
Limited spaces available. Per 1-hour session:
• $50 for adults
• $25 for students, unemployed, low income migrant
workers & undergraduates from Singapore tertiary

(Intermediate to Advanced)


• 成人- $50
• 学生、待业人士与低收入人士 – $25


[Course Completed]

Writer to Writer

Book a one-on-one mentoring session with award-winning writer, Liang Wern Fook, to discuss your writing project. Wern Fook will provide guidance to help your creative practice and support your writing life.



Course code: CH5

More information here