A Showcase of ADM Creative Works

ADM Portfolio is a one-of-a-kind collection of outstanding creative works by students at the NTU School of Art, Design and Media (ADM). It offers an exciting opportunity for students to present a representative snapshot of their works to a global audience where sharing and feedback can take place. The core collection is made up of graduating works from final year students.

Powered by blogs@NTU

Tapping on the capabilities of blogs@NTU WordPress environment, ADM Portfolio is designed and customised to best showcase your creative works of different formats.

An Exclusive ADM Network

Being a student or alumni of ADM, you have an opportunity to join this exclusive network – the official creative showcase of ADM. As a member, you can create and maintain a profile to share and promote your professional ethos to ADM industry partners.


We take intellectual property seriously. Unless otherwise stated, all works uploaded to ADM Portfolio are licensed to you and appended with “Copyright © – All Rights Reserved”.

The platform was introduced in 2014 with an initial collection of about 80 works. In 2015, ADM Portfolio received the first batch of 129 Final Year Projects. From late 2016, the team started to view ADM Portfolio beyond a repository of student works, but also as a platform to facilitate the school FYP submission process and Graduation Show (ADM Gradshow) activities. In 2016, ADM Portfolio 2.0 is launched with a new FYP Submission workflow.

To date, we have a total of 997 projects, where 869 are final year projects (FYP).


Working Committee

Hedren Sum

New Media and Design Librarian / Team Lead

NTU Libraries

Nursyafiqah Binte Suhaimi, Mas Romi Bin Mohamed Sukaimi and Neo Min Qi

Library Executives / Coordinators

NTU Libraries

Fabrizio Galli

Visiting Artist / FYP and Gradshow Coordinator

School of Art, Design and Media

Muhammad Mustajab Bin Mohamad

Publicity & Outreach Office / Coordinator

School of Art, Design and Media

Laura Miotto

Associate Professor / FYP and Gradshow Coordinator

School of Art, Design and Media

Advisory Committee

Chia Yew Boon

Deputy Director, New Media Group

NTU Libraries

Lim Pheng Yew

Deputy Director (Technical Operations)

School of Art, Design and Media

Phoebe Lim

Head, ADM Library

NTU Libraries

Lim-Tay Bee Neo, Julie

Assistant Director, Undergraduate Programmes

School of Art, Design and Media

Peer M. Sathikh

Associate Chair (Academic)

School of Art, Design and Media