Built to Scale: Assistant Director’s report

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Built to Scale: Assistant Director’s report

Abstract or Summary of Project

This report covers the process of working on Built to Scale from pre-production to post-production. Being
the assistant director for this FYP group, the bulk of my duties lie in pre-production and production. Aside
from traditional assistant director duties, this report also covers the various miscellaneous duties outside of
our traditional scope, something we had to do to work with due to our finite manpower and resources and
make the film whole. At each step along the way I will be addressing the respective setbacks and problems
we faced and what was done to circumvent it. Each section features a reflection on the respective experience,
and the final reflection component is that of the overall process, what I have learnt from this experience and
how I can learn from this and apply it to my future.

Link(s) to FYP Report in DR-NTU (Restricted to NTU Access)

Posted on

May 22, 2023