Hell’s Bride

Abstract or Summary of Project

Hell’s Bride is an experimental stop-motion animation that hopes to hand to you an abstract history behind the little-known Chinese custom called Ghost Wedding or 冥婚 [mínghūn]. With the marriage of paper props, sinister puppets and a beautiful bride, the stage for an uncanny wedding is set.

The overarching question that guided the creation of Hell’s Bride was, “How do I explain my understanding of Chinese ghost weddings to somebody who has no clue about Chinese culture?” At the heart of it all, my project reflects my abstract understanding and relationship with Chinese culture. As a Chinese who lives in a predominantly Chinese society that has been heavily influenced by Western culture and language, it is a first step towards rediscovering traditional Chinese customs and even parts of the language that has been lost to me and others who live in Singapore.

URL(s) of Video or Trailer


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Posted on

May 17, 2021