Knotting Destiny

Abstract or Summary of Project

Knotting destiny is a project based on the symbol of the endless knot. The core of its meaning lies in the Tibetan concept of tendrel — everything in existence are connected by “dependence and conditionality”. All occurrences and experience are determined by karma, the causes and conditions from past affecting the present and future. The cyclic nature of birth, death and rebirth gives our spirit its timelessness nature, which expands to a huge network of possibilities as illustrated by the symbol of the endless knot. As we widen our perception, symbols are used to create meaningful connections between contrastingly separate ideas which would otherwise be empty of its own existence. Ch’i (or qì) is the essence and “flow of spirit” required for interactions between independent matter. The endless knot symbolising these worldly relations and appearances, is a manifestation ofch’i, obtaining equilibrium as the forces flows and distribute through the vessels. Ideas about interconnectivity are reflected in Chinese macramé, where the tying of a knot refers to the binding destiny in luck and spirit.

Process and More Details

The deliverable is a gift set that consists of: (1) a guided map using the symbol of endless knot, (2) a research and concept booklet, (3) an endless knot bracelet.

The endless knot was dissected in the guided map to narrate the journey of an existing being. Notion of karma is explained through the spreads and tendrel, fulfilled by ch’i, reveals itself as the stack of cards release into a diagram of the eternal knot. The images above gives a view of some individual spreads and the enlarged version of knot.

The research and concept booklet is a comprehensive and textual-based. The visual language of red dots and white lines previously used in the guided map is translated and composed based on the nature of content.

The endless knot bracelet is a physical object that blesses the recipient when it is being worn. In the words of Robert Beer, an experienced writer on Tibetan symbolism, the endless knot links the giver and recipient in good relations, and create favourable conditions for good experiences to occur for the recipient. The endless knot when tied on the wrist of a person, resonates with the pulse of the heartbeat, its auspiciousness assimilated by the wearer with the flow of ch’i.


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November 7, 2014