Mindful Sitting – BALANCE Stool

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Mindful Sitting – BALANCE Stool

Abstract or Summary of Project

With the increasingly prevalent use of technology,
movement seems to be missing from our
increasingly sedentary lifestyle. The purpose of
this project is to let users work with the Balance
stool to achieve a better sitting posture as they try
to find the most stable position. Balancing on the
furniture will introduce ‘bearable discomfort’ to
the users, encouraging users to take a short
break after sitting for a period of time. In doing so,
the chances of experiencing pains and aches
caused by muscle strain due to prolonged sitting
will be reduced. By rotating the chair on its sides
will allow for two modes of sitting, the Occidental
chair sitting mode and the Oriental floor sitting

Link(s) to FYP Report in DR-NTU (Restricted to NTU Access)


Posted on

May 14, 2018