
“Lili” is a 2D animated film about losing a loved one and processing grief with loved ones around you. The film follows the perspective of Tama, the short-haired girl who recluses herself after losing one of her dear friends, Lili, from a motorcycle accident. She recluses herself from her other friend, Cindy, who was also involved in the accident.


Orchidaceae is a project rooted in Singapore’s strong relations with the orchid plant. Through the lens of a Singaporean narrative, this project delves into and documents the role of these perennial plants in our national history. The project features ‘agnes’, a refined font that blends the natural features of Singapore’s national flower, the Vanda Miss Joaquim, with practical legibility. It is named after the orchid’s creator and is well-suited for use in prominent areas of posters or headers, as well as smaller body text. This adaptable typeface is offered in three weights, ranging from light to bold, and in a regular italic style.


LUCID is a 2D-animated web comic which follows a young woman named Samantha, who is obsessed with the idea of lucid dreaming as a means to gain some control over her boring life. Her best friend, Izzy, introduces her to her uncle, who teaches them an easy way to induce lucid dreaming. After trying the new method, Samantha and Izzy fall asleep and find themselves in a pasar malam, or night market, where they quickly realise how much danger they’re in. 

Sorry To Burst Your Bubble

Stereotypes and biases often take a nuanced way of showing themselves in our modern community. I think we all remember that age-old joke about men being the more emotional gender, right? Often, these casual remarks and jokes are gleaned over by society, with justifications by the naysayer that they have been factually supported and proven for years. The recent spotlight on policies, such as the White Paper has ignited growing conversations on gender bias in our Singaporean society, particularly on women, the workplace, and how they navigate the double bind bias. However, it is important to recognise that bias can occur in workspaces of any kind, and that bias can come from anyone regardless of gender identity.

Sorry To Burst Your Bubble is a campaign that aims to raise awareness on the ignorantly sexist yet comically funny sentences that get said to women. It will specifically focus on the gender bias experienced by women taking up university student leadership roles. It will explore the various forms of double bind bias that women face, such as the pressure to conform to traditional gender roles while also displaying leadership qualities. The campaign will utilise satire and illustration to visualise the pervasive bias that often goes overlooked and dismissed.

Overall, the project seeks to challenge the societal norms that perpetuate gender bias and empower women to confront these issues. By highlighting these issues, the project aims to spark meaningful conversations about gender bias and inspire action toward creating a more equitable and inclusive society.

Textures of Being

Hair texture inclusivity is a growing concern in Singapore, where diverse hair types are often overlooked in mainstream beauty and fashion industries. Textures of Being is a project that aims to promote greater understanding and acceptance of natural hair in Singapore, and to challenge prevailing beauty standards that prioritise Eurocentric beauty ideals. This project encourages more ‘hair inclusive’ conversations and hopes to educate the general masses about the beauty of textured hair. It is also an opportunity to showcase the stories and experiences of people living in a straight hair world like Singapore; and most importantly, to create a sense of appreciation for the textured hair community.