The Journey Within

Abstract or Summary of Project

This project explores the theme of the journey one takes when immersed in meditation. This installation seeks inspiration from the five physical chakras of Kundalini Yoga that corresponds with the five classical elements Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. Each terrain represents the different paths walked and hence experienced. The journey begins in the physical world and its attachments, slowly loosing that grip as the mind clears the surrounding space for inner balance on a meditative journey. This is shown through the artist’s depiction of how the low height of the terrain filled with lush greenery signals the start of the journey. This is then continued with the introduction of the Water element before moving onto Air and Ether. The end of the journey is reached when one attains complete awareness and inner balance of their minds signified by the last of the elements; Ether.

Process and More Details

Project type : Installation,Print, Mixed media

Dimentions: 27 x 33 x 60, 27 x 160 x 60

Link(s) to FYP Report in DR-NTU (Restricted to NTU Access)

Posted on

May 10, 2016