Our Sexual Health

Our Sexual Health aims to connect sexually active adults in Singapore with necessary resources for sexual health. It focuses on understanding the barriers to receiving STD testing and care, as well as the perceptions of STD clinics. The goal is to use these insights to strengthen the existing government run STD clinic within Singapore through a rebranding and marketing project. Ultimately, this project seeks to improve accessibility and promote awareness of sexual healthcare in Singapore.

Not Today Failure: A Beginner’s Journal to Overcoming Fear of Failure

In today’s society, the fear of failure is often attributed to societal pressure, fear of judgement, and high self-imposed or societal expectations. As a result, failure has become stigmatised. “Not Today Failure” is a project that addresses this fear through a guided journal filled with insights from the designer, short comics, and writing prompts. The project’s goal is to educate and inspire readers to take the first steps towards overcoming their fear of failure in a genuine and engaging way.

Social in Situ: A situational guide for the socially apprehensive

More young adults struggle to socialize, rising trend in social anxiety is also observed. This was exacerbated by the COVID-19 lockdown period when social interaction was minimized. Albeit there is a wide range of information on how to socialize, there is a lack of perspectives on how to navigate social interactions beyond just being more extroverted. To encourage young adults to navigate social situations comfortably in their own way, this project aims to create an accessible multi-faceted guide to engage young adults to reflect, learn, and provide opportunities to practice diverse ways to deal with social situations. This project hopes to encourage them to be more comfortable in social situations and help reduce the sense of social apprehension.

Design Art – Visual Communication

A Guide for Green Little Beings: How to See Plants

A Guide for Green Little Beings: How to See Plants embarks on an exploration of the Singaporean relationship with nature through the perspective of a fictional space programme, SPARC. As SPARC documents its discoveries of alien exploration on Earth, it uncovers intriguing insights by the aliens into the various aspects of humanity’s eroding relationship and behaviours towards terrestrial nature.

Through the narrative of SPARC’s discoveries, it offers a commentary on the urgent need to reconstruct our bond with nature, urging for a redefinition, relearning, and appreciation of our natural world.

NOSTALGIA: Rose Tinted Glasses

Nostalgia, the bittersweet yearning for the past, is a universal feeling that transcends time and culture. Nostalgia: Rose Tinted Glasses is a zine that aims to investigate and explain why this feeling exists, how to better comprehend the nature of nostalgia, while documenting my own experiences with it.