
Nearby is a mobile application designed to facilitate interpersonal connections and foster a sense of community among neighbours in Singapore.

In contrast to the declining trend of neighbourly interactions, the app seeks to rejuvenate the kampung spirit by providing a platform for users to engage in authentic interactions with their neighbours. With features such as finding events and interest groups in the area and connecting with like-minded neighbours who share common interests, Nearby aims to promote meaningful relationships and strengthen bonds within the community.

No Name Nomad

Have you thought about what your life would be like outside of the one you know?

No Name Nomad is a visual storybook encapsulating the various quirks and wonders from the mystical country that our main character visits. Follow our nameless nomad as she journeys outside her home country and explores what the outside world has to offer. As her journey goes on, she unpacks dark feelings from her past and trauma back in her home country.

The Unmentionables: Embracing gynaecological wellness in young women

Topics surrounding the female vagina can cause embarrassment and discomfort to many young women. As a result, discussions about gynaecological topics can be challenging for them. Leading to a lack of knowledge related to vagina health and other gynaecological issues throughout the journey of womanhood. In Singapore, gynaecological wellness topics have not been included as part of the school educational curriculum. There is an insufficient open educational platform for young women to equip themselves with the knowledge to take charge of their gynaecological health.

Therefore, this project aims to design a range of educational materials for young females in Singapore to raise awareness of symptoms, detection and prevention methods of various intimate female hygiene and gynaecological issues. The project hopes to promote open conversations about gynaecological wellness in Singapore and provide accessible resources.

Beat The Heat (Anger Awareness Campaign)

With an increasing awareness of mental health on issues such as depression and anxiety, anger and aggression is a mental health condition that is receiving much less limelight. Research has shown that excessive and uncontrollable anger can contribute to violence and have many negative effects on our everyday relationship with others and with the society.

Through interviews with psychologist from Club Heal, a voluntary welfare organisation, and surveying young people about their thoughts on everyday anger, this project aims to highlight anger as a concern of mental health issue. Illustrating the various anger management strategies, it is hoped that these tools can assist users in learning and practicing these strategies on their own, when dealing with everyday heated situations.

i can’t even

In recent years, the world has been getting increasingly more aware of mental health issues. Besides therapy and consultations, there are more products created to support people with mental health issues, such as mindfulness journals, exercise guides, and even music playlists. However, the products are usually generalized. A self-care kit made specifically for me, i can’t even aims to retell the story of how my personal experience with mental health.

This project is intended to encourage the audience to learn about mental health and realize that people with mental health issues may have different mindsets and reactions to their situations. Through that, the audience is also encouraged to reflect on their own mental health and the way they cope with difficult days.