和MONY: Harmony through Diversity

Inspired by personal experiences of family and individual disharmony, 和MONY seeks to resonate with young Singaporeans by highlighting the richness of diversity within harmony. Through visual explorations, historical analysis of Confucianist notions of harmony, as well as interviews and surveys, this project aims to uncover contemporary perceptions and definitions of harmony among youth, while acknowledging and celebrating the unique differences that contribute to its essence.

A Guide for Green Little Beings: How to See Plants

A Guide for Green Little Beings: How to See Plants embarks on an exploration of the Singaporean relationship with nature through the perspective of a fictional space programme, SPARC. As SPARC documents its discoveries of alien exploration on Earth, it uncovers intriguing insights by the aliens into the various aspects of humanity’s eroding relationship and behaviours towards terrestrial nature.

Through the narrative of SPARC’s discoveries, it offers a commentary on the urgent need to reconstruct our bond with nature, urging for a redefinition, relearning, and appreciation of our natural world.

NOSTALGIA: Rose Tinted Glasses

Nostalgia, the bittersweet yearning for the past, is a universal feeling that transcends time and culture. Nostalgia: Rose Tinted Glasses is a zine that aims to investigate and explain why this feeling exists, how to better comprehend the nature of nostalgia, while documenting my own experiences with it.

Stories of Mathtopia: From Math Anxiety to Math Mastery

Stories of Mathtopia is a series of storybooks that aims to introduce intricate mathematical concepts to children via unconventional methods.

The goal is to create a joyful and engaging education system by crafting narrative episodes with imaginative visuals to unfold difficult math ideas that appear from secondary school to A-level education.

Through an interactive Virtual Reality (VR) experience, the readers can immerse themselves in the 3D environment depicted within the narratives, thereby enhancing their engagement with the story.

D(RAFT): Navigating Between Passion and Practicality

D(RAFT): Navigating between Passion and Practicality is a final year project that seeks to understand the mindsets of individuals who pursue a career in the fields of Graphic Design, Animation, Illustration, Film and other artistic fields (hereafter defined as ‘creatives’ for the purposes of this project). More specifically, the study aims to examine how creatives in Singapore, negotiate between passion and practicality as reasons to stay in an unpredictable but artistically fulfilling role or leave their current fields for other types of work that might provide better stability. This creative publication is presented in the form of a collection of interviews — with creatives currently working in the creative industry and those that have left to explore other industries — as well as a short story about my own personal journey with balancing my creative passions and being practical in my career choices.