
The product takes inspiration from the abstract qualities of the basic Hindu elements of the Om and Bindu to induce psychedelic illusions and effects. This is through a stimulation of the pineal gland from the flashing light in the center, metaphorically representing the Bindu. Users will enter a meditative state to relax, recharge and refocus. In addition, the concept of the Om’s continuity is further demonstrated through a continuous ring in the ambient lighting system that is in sync with the different frequencies of the Om. Both light systems complement each other to create an optimal sensory experience for users.


HEMP+ is a collection of products that showcases the versatility and sustainability of the material – Hemp. It is a renewable, biodegradable and low-cost natural resource that can adequately replace synthetic and non-renewable resources. The incorporation of bio-plastic gives the hemp a whole new level of tensile strength and a certain aesthetic appeal in its translucency that piques curiosity; opening up a whole new world of creative possibilities. The bio-plastic HEMP+ lamp shades are 80% biodegradable and 70% of the hemp fibre HEMP+ lamp shades are organic materials.