Blue encounters: nurturing our relationship with the ocean

Blue Encounters is a project that brings the ocean into the urban context. It offers a ‘blue’ way of looking at everyday urban encounters, encouraging meaningful connections with the ocean through indirect urban objects/experiences, and direct, mindful engagement with the sea. By shifting our minds from the urban red to oceanic blue, this project aims to bridge the distance between urban adults and the ocean, allowing us to experience its restorative effects on our well-being and deepen our connection with it.

A Cup of Coffee

Mathematics is all around us, in everything we do. It is so entwined with today’s way of life that we cannot fully comprehend and navigate the information surrounding us without it. Even something as simple as crafting a cup of perfectly balanced coffee requires a basic understanding of arithmetic mathematics and quantification.

A Cup of Coffee is a brand concept that utilizes basic mathematical operations as a form of design aesthetics within a brand identity. This project aims to provide a new perspective by using equations, formulas and bar graphs/bar models to visualize information and create a visual language. It attempts to influence how consumers comprehend information and provide an alternative visual method to learn more about coffee as they enjoy it.

Stories Under The Sun

Stories Under The Sun is a project meant to invoke nostalgia by having us revisit childhood memories and to encourage personal storytelling. With a series of theme-curated boxes, it hopes to bring us back in time through interaction with the old school items inside the boxes.

Be reminded of the innocent, carefree days and add on to the collection of personal stories from our fellow Singaporeans. Start a conversation with friends or share them with others through the project’s platforms. Stories Under The Sun wishes to revive memories through stories and to retell Singapore’s history in the eyes of our younger self.

Share precious memories and together, let us reminisce and create a collective of locally flavoured stories.

Sproutly : Plantable Packaging

Sproutly is a zero-waste packaging concept whereby the packaging waste can be planted instead of being thrown away. The packaging is 100% compostable, made with recycled paper, and embedded with seeds. As such, the packaging biodegrades, and the seeds within it germinate when planted.


The main findings show that supermarkets are flooding the planet with single-use plastics to portion out products conveniently and cheaply for consumption. A significant fraction of recyclable materials still ends up in landfills.


This project addresses the need to have more recycling by creating biodegradable packaging to prevent the worsening of the Global Waste Crisis(GWC).


The proposition is to create packaging for dried grocery goods that is compostable and embedded with seeds. This packaging concept allows consumers to engage in an autonomous recycling system at home by recycling packaging waste from the grocery product while nurturing plants.


Surveys helped with understanding the recycling behaviour of consumers. Recycling bins and reusing jars are the most common recycling method amongst those already recycling. Those who did not recycle lacked access to recycling bins or time to separate recyclables. Nonetheless, Sproutly’s zero-waste packaging can cater to both these groups. Most of those surveyed were willing to buy the item with recyclable packaging over the one that comes in standard packaging for the same product. Hence, this concept could serve as a method in curbing the waste crisis.


Further, this concept has the potential to be manipulated for other applications. Businesses can modify and apply the material to their preexisting materials such as print and packaging. Since many businesses are focusing on going green, this concept serves as a viable option. There is excellent potential for plantable packaging application, which can be a significant opportunity to minimize waste production effectively.


You are a Superhero!

‘You are a Superhero’ is a kit proposed for family therapy centres, made available for children with behavioural disorders. The kit is designed to aid in reducing anxiety and stress.