The Insider Series: Emotional Intelligence at the Workplace by ASMPT, 23 September 2021

As part of this webinar, students were given a complimentary personalised Emotional Intelligence Appraisal Report highlighting which EI skills are their strengths and which EI skills they can improve on. Through the webinar, they got to understand more about the importance of EI, the impact of EI in the workplace and strategies to improve their EI skills.

Angy, the trainer, shared about 4 core EI skills, namely Self-awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness and Relationship Management and the respective strategies which students can takeaway and apply to their future conversations, internships and workplace. Many students appreciated knowing more about what is EI, an in-depth look at their EI skills and gained from the practical tips which Angy shared.

 Here are some Insider tips:

  1. Self-talk impacts how you perceive yourself and in turn affects your interaction with others, use a turn-around statement to manage negative self-talk
  2. Be aware of the perspectives of others, instead of being caught up in your own emotions, practice empathic listening
  3. Tackle difficult conversations by helping each other understand your point of views, move the conversation forward and be receptive to feedback

If you are interested in gaining in-demand Career & Employability Skills through employer-facilitated sessions, join us for our upcoming Insider Series webinars!

If you want to navigate the workplace confidently, join us for the Cultivate Professional Etiquette webinar! Refer to our workshops calendar here

Student Testimonial

 I learnt that Self-awareness is impacted by self-talk (how you perceive yourself), which in turn affects your interaction with others. The EI assessment tool we completed was really helpful in understanding myself more and I appreciated the tips given in the report. Thank you for organising such a workshop, it was immensely insightful!

– Eunice Kwan Rui Xin, English, Year 2

Attended The Insider Series: Emotional Intelligence at the Workplace by ASMPT on 23 Sep