NTUXperience (Job Shadowing)

How would you like to help students make informed decisions about their career of choice!

If your organisation would like to give students an opportunity to observe an employee (or yourself) perform their daily work routine in their environment so that they can explore specific careers and get a realistic picture of the tasks performed for that job, we would like to partner you.

NTU Xperience, a Job Shadow Programme, seeks to give students a learning experience to gain better understanding about a specific role or job function. CAO will co-create this 1 to 3- day “experiential experience” together with you to provide a job shadow learning opportunity that will be effective to the organisation and meaningful and inspiring for students.

Contact Ms Joreen Low at lowkh@ntu.edu.sg to provide valuable exposure beyond classroom.


Check out what our past participants have to say on the NTU Xperience Programme:

Watch these videos:


Read about it:


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