All posts by #YATYAN PANG#

CHEM Batch 2013 LIVE created on 17/06/2013

13feb -minutes

Location:  Whatsapp chat

Time: 20 00

Duration of the meeting: 20mins

Team members who attended: ALL

Topics discussed: Topic videos ,updating of blogs etc.

Tasks to be done before the next meeting:  

1.Research on sub topics and update blog.


03 cycle, equations involved and factors affecting the cycle (Amelia)

Effects of  ozone depletion (YatYan)


2. Date to meet up as a group for video making: 18 /03/15 after lecture.

3. Style of video we are intending to make: khan academy style. Narration /explanation and drawing on a white screen.

Implications to society

The world is currently still facing the problem of ozone depletion. Though there are efforts trying to reduce the use of CFCs and other contributory substances, we cannot ignore the serious impact of ozone depletion on the society.

ozoneOn the whole, impact of ozone depletion can be categorize into 2 types: Environmental effects and health effects. The ozone screen/layer is responsible for absorbing UVB ultraviolet light from the sun. Hence, with ozone depletion, the UVB level on the whole reaching earth surface increased.

Health Effects:

Prolonged exposure to the UV rays can cause sun burn, skin cancer, premature skin aging in both humans and animals.  It can weakens the human immune system according to some research, a probable cause to skin cancer. Furthermore, given too much exposure of the eyes to UV rays could lead to cataracts, blindness or other eye diseases.

In addition, the increase in surface UV leads to increase tropospheric ozone. As ozone is very toxic and hence could badly affect the health of those with respiratory issues.

Environmental Effects:

Plants are affected by the increased UV radiation, especially rice crops. The increase in UV radiation prevents nitrogen from retaining at the roots, thus affecting its growth rate.

Marine life is also affected by the increase in UV radiation. Organisms like Phytoplankton  is  threatened by the increase in UV radiation and the supply of such basic food for marine creatures is hence greatly reduced. That in turn affects other marine creatures like fishes to have lack in food supply. Size of those population of marine animals that consumes the planktons are directly affected.

Another implication that ozone depletion brings about is the increase degradation of materials. Materials that are composed of polymers are affected by the solar UV radiation. It accelerates the breakdown of such materials and may leads to such materials being less durable and usable in the future.


Unknown (n.d.) ‘The Impacts of Ozone Depletion’ Retrieved on 17 March, 2015 from

Unknown (2011) ‘ Health and Environmental Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion’ Retrieved on 17 March, 2015 from

Unknown (n.d.) ‘Ozone Depletion’ Retrieved on 17 March, 2015 from

Unknown (n.d.) ‘Ozone Depletion’ Retrieved on 17 March, 2015 from

Unknown (n.d.) ‘Ozone Depletion’ Retrieved on 17 March, 2015 from

6 Feb – minutes

Location:  SPMS MAS atrium

Time: 1500

Duration of the meeting: 15mins

Team members who attended: ALL

Topics discussed: Ozone layer and sub categories to find out more information about.

Tasks to be done before the next meeting:  

Research on sub topics.

1. 03 cycle, equations involved and factors affecting the cycle (Amelia)

2. CFCs effects on 03 , Chemical equations involved.(Kean Hean)

3. Positive effects of the ozone layer( yuhui)

4.Negative Effects of the depletion of ozone ( Jia Hao)

5. Effects of  ozone depletion on Sg (YatYan)

6.Effects of ozone depletion on our lives( Phebe)