by Vincent Wong | Oct 13, 2016
The last night by Miranda Yeo Half-lidded onyx eyes stared back fish-like tear ducts brimming A scarecrow face, her hair a wreath of soft snow Brown paper skin, crinkled at the corners of her frown, mouth agape hanging She is wrapped in sterile...
by Vincent Wong | Oct 13, 2016
by Vincent Wong | Aug 26, 2016
Author’s Process Note: Inspired by Joshua Ip’s poem – Chope, to my matilda aims to explore the process of love commodification through an advertising campaign. An insurance brief, name cards and print advertisement was designed to sell love insurance to the...
by Vincent Wong | Aug 26, 2016
Author’s Process Note: Spikes is about stripping performative role of gender to reveal the vulnerable side of the woman using sensitive themes such as beauty, sexuality, birth/menstruation, and sexual abuse – the many darker, taboo topics that women do not...
by Vincent Wong | Aug 26, 2016
She by Claudia...