Technologies coding and testing

After getting what I need, I went on to consult Naga about the coding for my pulse sensor. Naga is such a nice and helpful guy that he sit down coding for 2.5 hours with me that night.

img_5404So he helped me with the basic coding and I set the rate and light color myself after that.





















I set it in a way that the LED strips will only light up when the heart rate reach above 90, and when it reach above 150 it will change from white light to colorful lights.

Before I test on the color, I cut the LED strips into 8 x 1m LED strips and connect all together to the lilypad and sensor. And I used felt to make a bag for my technologies so will be easier to put it inside my dress.


And I got the coding of color lights from Shi Yee and I added the code to mine and I been trying on different colors.


Behind the scene




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