Evaluating the Use of Material
Today, plastic constitutes approximately 90 percent of all trash floating on the ocean’s surface, with 46,000 pieces of plastic per square mile.
Originally, my intention to make use of plastics stemmed from the requirement to contain air, and that the material has to be readily available to me and easily made/duplicated. Knowing that visual appeal of the project is immensely important to me as there are exhibitions and runway shows, I selectively chose clear plastic bags and zip lock bags. 1. These two kinds of plastics when fused together, becomes more comfortable to touch and wear on the body, because the ziploc bags (or film, low-density polyethylene) are slightly more rubbery, like skin. 2. Because from research, there is a certain thickness requirement for inflatable wear. 3. It is affordable to me. 4. It fairs better in aesthetics. It was part of my goal to make plastics look as relatable as possible to the human body, by making it look organic, like natural materials such as beancurd skin.
To learn about plastic pollution and its impacts and most importantly, how I could use reuse plastics and advocate the reuse of plastics, I visited the Singapore Eco Film Festival and learned so much from there. One big mistake I made from there is to create the project entirely out of virgin plastic. What pains me was that I contributed to plastic consumption. From the film A Plastic Ocean, I am reminded of the effect of plastic pollution on marine life. By 2050, all birds in the world will have plastics in their bodies. No animal deserves the torture and to bear the consequence of our ways.
Hence to make up for the use of virgin plastics for my project, I will recycle my project material after proper documentation, to be made into a grocery bag and commit to using the grocery bag. I would also like to advocate that plastics, although not good for the body when in the system, can be turned into beautiful garments, much like what many eco designers have done.
Image from: Plastic Pollution Coalition
Related Film: Film: A Plastic Ocean