Lesson 11 Field Trip to STPI

STPI Gallery
Date: 1 Nov 2018

  STPI is short for Singapore Tyler Print Institute. They holds every artist & residence Programme for 4 weeks where they invite artists from different fields to create works in their basement workshop. The artists would create works with prints in their own styles and exhibit them in the gallery upstairs.

Image result for aaron curry artistAaron Curry playing a Gretsch Masterbuilt Penguin guitar at his studio in Hollywood, California.

  The artist on exhibition was Aaron Curry, a Los Angeles-based artist whose work explore the boundary between painting and sculpture. According to the tour guide, he spend his early life in Texas without books, arts or money. Mundane objects such as keys & bones thus have a huge influence on his subject. Later he went to LA for art study and his life changed with a museum visit where he shifted from a painter to a sculptor, inspired to explore in between 2d & 3d.

  As we can see clearly, his works  contained lots of pop neon-colors that was artificial. Shapes and patterns contained lots of body parts. There was energy in the vibrant colors and shape in his works. The process of his creation started with sketching on paper. Then he digitized them & made refinement and made a stencil based on it. He would cut sinfra PVC and dibond into shape and then coat them with paper pulp. After spraying paint, he added the silkscreen print to finish. All the pieces on show were selected from many same pieces made. Therefore each single piece is unique.

  Besides the exhibition, we were also shown around the basement workshop but no photograph was allowed. There were all kinds of equipment & tools to use to product print arts such as hydraulic elephant press, paper mill and there was also an acid room.