Pre-trip Projections
This Chiang Mai trip will be unlike most of the other overseas trips I’ve been to; it’s probably the one trip in which I would be able to develop a more genuine view of a country’s culture, instead of being the common tourist who visits the usual tourist attractions, and hence possibly only cultivates an impression of the country that could have been tweaked by the tourism industry. It is precisely because of this that I am truly excited for the trip.
I want to be able to develop an insight into the culture of the city by not only going on sightseeing trips or visiting places that document its culture (such as museums). These are undoubtedly enjoyable ways to learn about a foreign ground, but I’m psyched to try out the less passive methods, such as one of the activities that my group will be engaged in – staying overnight at an elephant park and sharing in intimate activities with the gentle giants. I believe hands-on experiences like these throughout the trip will not only allow me to reminisce the memories more vividly in future, but also instill the mindset to reflect on my experiences in a more thoughtful, thorough manner. Instead of engaging in activities merely for the spontaneous satisfaction, I would also contemplate different aspects of the activity. Has the activity has been carried out ethically? Who are the stakeholders in this activity, and what are their relationships? By participating in this activity, am I making a responsible choice or contributing to unethical treatment of people, animals or the environment at large? I believe that the nature of this trip creates an opportunity to shape a mentality that allows for more well-informed choices than that of a mindless consumer. I would also then be able to have loads of guilt-free and meaningful fun!
Conducting surveys and interviews with my group mates to find out about the level of awareness of the issues of elephant tourism will not only give me unfiltered insight into this issue, but I would also learn to connect to strangers so as to make them feel at ease in sharing their opinions of their stance on elephant tourism. I would also be able to encourage more mindful choices on the part of those who may unknowingly be contributors to mistreatment of elephants by sharing what I know earnestly and humbly. This would hopefully spark their realisation of their potential to make things right with wiser decisions. I would also learn from surveyees and interviewees about what I can do for the elephants and the industries’ stakeholders who could possibly be oppressed by unethical elephant tourism businesses and practices. This is especially so in our interviews with Chiang Mai Univesity professors conducting research in elephant tourism. By discovering more about the sustainability of elephant tourism in Chiang Mai, I will not only learn about this specific issue, but also develop those valuable skills along the way, so long as I remind myself each day to start the day with this mindset.
These skills, I believe are not exclusively beneficial to me as a USP scholar, but I stand to gain holistically, on both personal and academic levels. In future projects, I would have a keener eye on issues, delve deeper into an area of concern and get to the crux of it rather than skimming through details superficially. Having a deeper view of issues helps me develop a more well-rounded plan to solve problems, regardless of whether they are problems given in school or obstacles I may meet in life. Being better-equipped with an attitude to earnestly and humbly want to learn and understand would surely serve me well too, as I will make better decisions this way and tread the earth consciously, with an intention to give back and not to only take away selfishly.
I am thankful for this opportunity, and for all the efforts from everyone from USP, CMU, and everyone we meet along the way who has, and will, come together to make this trip possible for all of us ☺ I hope to gain respect and admiration for Thailand’s culture, immerse in the peace of Doi Suthep and have a carefree time with my friends engaging all of our senses in our experiences with food, fun, culture and nature! Pretty sure we’re going to have a great time.