Day 3 (06.01.16)
Doi Suthep
Bus rides once again! Sitting next to Son (sorry Van for abandoning you!), was such an enjoyable time. It was so interesting sharing our dreams and listening to how life is like on this side of the world. I realised how different and yet similar our societies are. Individuals living in Chiang Mai have to acquire high levels of education in order to obtain positions in the workforce due to the increase in the educated population. Our conversation helped me to better appreciate what I have and yet yearn for the experiences that they had. It is a tradition for each of the freshmen to walk from CMU to Doi Suthep during their freshmen orientation. They believe that it’s a way of getting spiritual covering for the school term ahead. Their devotion and faithfulness moved me. I hope to be able to be as devoted and committed as they are. They have such faith in their gods that they are willing to walk about 16km to gain spiritual coverage. I ask myself whether I love God so intensely that I would do something as extravagant as that. I mentally assess the similarities and differences that we have and am left in awe of how wonderful and magnificent creation is. I am left in awe daily.
The journey up sounded tiring! I expected more steps and more climbing but it was far lesser than the actual journey itself.
I guess that’s how life is like sometimes. We overthink, worry and overestimate the challenges that we are up against. Just the sound of the obstacle causes us to tremble in fear even before we rationally assess the situation. I do this far too often, in mentally or physically straining activities. I’m often defeated by the situation before I even begin taking it on. I fail to think about it logically as I’m overwhelmed by emotions and renumeration of failure in my mind. (Wow, this is something that I really need to break out from.)
Back to Doi Suthep, at the temple, we got to interview the tour guide and listen to stories about how Buddhism began. It was interesting to listen to how Buddhism evolved with the different cultures and how different cultures shaped the architecture of the pagodas and temples.
Chiang Mai University
Simply breathtaking! They have a lake and a huge hill behind it in the school itself! This is amazing. Walking around CMU was such a relaxing experience. The entrance into the school was more grand than the entrance to the Istana. (I’d love to be able to put a photo of it here, but sadly all my photos were lost when we came back to Singapore) Indeed all creation points back to Him the creator.
While the others went for a Thai Massage, Vanessa and I went walked around the streets of Chiang Mai talking to random strangers every now and then. I’m amazed at how friendly and warm the people of Chiang Mai are. They are ever so helpful and polite. During our touring, we walked into a pretty jewellery shop that sold handmade intricate accessories. IT WAS AMAZING! After that experience, I had the desire to return back to my first craft; jewellery making. It’s been about 3 years since I last touched my tools and I’m now pretty sure I’ll make something new for my sister as she turns 21 this year.
This country is so rich with arts and crafts things, it makes me so happy just walking around!
After which, we went to the The University Market for some shopping! I was so frustrated at first because everything was so small and all Vanessa-sized!! So I decided to help her to choose clothes to get instead of get things for myself~